
How this Technology has Changed Our Lives

The internet has changed everything about how we communicate, work, and even shop. In its infancy, the internet was primarily a place of knowledge, providing access to resources, research material, chats, and emails. Now, it is an integral part of our lives and businesses have taken and continue to take advantage of the internet’s capabilities. The use of the internet has altered how we interact with each other, and with the resources.

The internet has revolutionized the way businesses operate. Businesses today no longer have to rely on traditional models of communication, such as the telephone, telegraph, or postal mail, to exchange information with customers. With the power of the internet, businesses can now communicate directly with each customer on an individual basis, allowing for a more personal, faster service. This personalized service is often preferred over traditional forms of communication. Additionally, businesses can now market and advertise to a larger, more broad audience.

Furthermore, the internet has also provided businesses with opportunities to save time and money. For example, businesses can save money by using software as a service (SaaS) offerings, thus eliminating the need for expensive hardware. In addition, organizations can now outsource a variety of services at a fraction of the cost of traditional labor costs by utilizing the cost advantages of cloud computing.

The internet has also revolutionized how we shop. We used to have to physically travel to a brick-and-mortar store to obtain the items we wanted. Now, with the click of a mouse, we can purchase almost anything online from the comfort of our own homes. This is not only more convenient but also opens up a whole new world of product availability from all over the world.

Moreover, the internet has changed how we connect with each other. Social media has allowed billions of people all over the world to communicate with each other quickly and easily. This helps us to stay connected with friends and family members from all over the globe. We can share pictures, stories, videos, music, and more. Additionally, social media is also a powerful tool for businesses to quickly broadcast their information and services to potential customers.

The internet has completely transformed the way we live our lives. It has allowed businesses to communicate more efficiently, it has opened up new marketing opportunities, and it has enabled us to connect with one another like never before. The internet has become an invaluable tool in our lives, and its importance and relevance will certainly continue to grow in the future.


A Real and Growing Form of Addiction

Internet addiction is a growing concern for many people and a real form of addiction. Although the use of the internet has been an integral part of day-to-day life for many gadget owners for some time, using it excessively can lead to an addiction. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the number of Americans addicted to the internet is estimated to be between two and eight percent.

Internet addiction is a condition in which a person compulsively uses the internet, typically to the point of impairing their daily life. Internet addiction is also referred to as “compulsive internet use,” meaning that the person spends an excessive amount of time online, even if it’s not intended. It can involve playing online games, browsing the web, shopping online, excessive communication, and oversharing. It can also involve more serious activities, such as gambling, sexting, and cyberbullying.

While it is easy to dismiss internet addiction as simply bad use of technology, research suggests that it is, in fact, a real form of addiction with serious consequences. Individuals who struggle with this addiction can experience serious psychological and physical effects. This can include increased levels of stress, withdrawal, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, decreased motivation, and poor academic performance. Additionally, physical symptoms such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, and irregular eating habits can be present.

In addition to these physical and psychological issues, people who struggle with internet addiction are at a greater risk for other related problems, such as cybercrime, cyberstalking, and dangers related to excessive contact with strangers. The risk of having personal information hacked or subjected to cybercriminal activity is also greater.

For individuals currently struggling with internet addiction, there are help and support resources available. Professionals can diagnose and treat the addiction, as well as personalize treatment plans based on the individual’s needs. Treatment may include elements of cognitive behavioral therapy, family and peer counseling, nutrition counseling, and medication, if necessary. Additionally, support groups and community resources may be available in some areas.

Internet addiction is a real form of addiction, and it can have serious consequences. It may be helpful to recognize the signs and symptoms of this addiction to protect ourselves and those around us. Treatment from mental health professionals is the best way to address an internet addiction, as well as identifying and addressing the underlying causes. Finding support from family, friends, and community resources can also prove invaluable for those struggling and fighting to overcome their addiction.


The Truth About What’s Really Going On

For many people, the idea of being addicted to the internet seems laughable. After all, the internet is, for the most part, a helpful tool, filled with information, entertainment, and a way to connect with others from around the world. But despite the mostly-positive view of the internet that many people have, the truth is that some people truly do suffer from internet addiction.

That’s right, internet addiction is very real and can be incredibly damaging to a person’s physical, mental, and social well-being. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) considers it to be a “behavior pattern” that can cause distress and impairment, and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) recognizes it as a condition similar to gambling addiction.

So what exactly is internet addiction, and what are its effects? To start, it’s important to note that there are many types of online addictions, from obsessive gaming to gambling to excessive shopping. However, the core of all of these addictions is the same: an uncontrollable compulsion to use the internet to a point where it interferes with normal life. People with internet addiction may find themselves spending hours upon hours browsing the web, and they may become so involved with their virtual worlds that it’s hard for them to take care of their day-to-day responsibilities.

Unfortunately, internet addiction can have a severe impact on a person’s physical health. People who are addicted to the internet tend to spend less time participating in physical activities, meaning that they may become less fit and may develop other issues related to a lack of physical activity, such as poor circulation, fatigue, and weakened muscles. In addition, the sedentary lifestyle that often comes with internet addiction can increase the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

The mental effects of internet addiction are also worth noting. People who are addicted to the internet can become isolated and withdrawn. They may also become anxious and depressed due to the fact that they’re spending so much of their time in a virtual world. In extreme cases, people can become addicted to the internet to the point where it’s difficult for them to form and maintain meaningful relationships, which can lead to further mental health issues.

The social issues that can arise from internet addiction are another point to consider. People who suffer from this disorder may have difficulty forming relationships with others in the “real world”, and may become socially isolated, leading to poor communication skills and a lack of self-confidence.

So is there a cure for internet addiction? Sadly, no, there is no “cure”, but there are ways to manage it. The first step is to recognize that there is a problem and then commit to making some changes. This can include limiting the amount of time spent on the internet, being mindful of where and when you are using it, and building activities that don’t involve the internet into your daily routine.

It’s also important that treatment for internet addiction be a combined effort between the individual and a professional therapist. A therapist can help you to identify the root cause of the addiction and create a plan for you to manage and reduce it.

In conclusion, internet addiction is a serious issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you or someone you know may be suffering from it, take the time to seek out professional help and work together to find the best way to manage it. With the right help, it is possible to overcome this addiction.


Understanding and Overcoming the Problem

Internet addiction is a growing phenomenon among both adults and children. Research estimates that around 12 percent of Americans exhibit compulsive behavior related to online activities, such as gaming, web browsing, and social networking. Unfortunately, children and teenagers are particularly vulnerable to internet addiction due to the wide access they have to online services, as well as their developing sense of self-identity and self-expression.

The effects of internet addiction in kids can be far-reaching and serious. While kids who are connected to the internet are often able to acquire knowledge and skills that could help them succeed in the future, there are also some potential risks associated with excessive internet use. Below are just some of the potential dangers that can arise from internet addiction in kids:

1. Poor Mental Health:

Research has found links between internet addiction and mental-health issues such as depression, anxiety, social isolation, and even suicidality. Internet addiction can cause intense emotional states that are associated with poorer wellbeing and psychological health. Online gaming may also be a risk factor for video game addiction and can be associated with poor academic performance.

2. Diminished Cognitive Skills:

Internet addiction can lead to a decline in cognitive skills such as attention, memory, and information-processing skills. For example, too much time spent gaming or browsing online sites can diminish a child’s creative and problem-solving abilities. Other online activities such as social networking and cyber-bullying can also lead to poor impulse control and risky behavior.

3. Lack of Physical Activity:

Too much time online can lead to a lack of physical activity, which in turn can contribute to a child’s physical and mental health problems. Rather than engaging in physical activities such as sports or outdoor games, a child may choose to spend their time playing video games or browsing online. This physical inactivity is associated with an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other health issues.

4. Disruptive Sleep Habits:

Excessive use of digital devices can lead to disruptions in sleep patterns, which can be detrimental to a child’s physical and mental health. Staring at a screen before bed can lead to shorter sleep duration, poorer quality sleep, and increased fatigue during the day. This can have a considerable impact on a child’s ability to learn, focus, and concentrate.

While the potential risks of internet addiction are worrying, there are a number of steps that parents can take to ensure their children’s well-being and protect them from potential harm.

1.Have conversations with your children about the potential pitfalls associated with excessive online use and discuss ways they can practice balanced internet use.

2. Develop media use guidelines for your family, such as keeping all computers and devices in public spaces, setting a time limit for online activities, and avoiding media devices in the bedroom.

3. Encourage physical activity and outdoor activities. Create opportunities and activities that provide more offline interaction, such as playing sports or board games.

4. Parental control software can be a helpful tool for monitoring internet use and ensuring kids stay safe online.

Internet addiction in kids can cause serious problems, but by being aware of the risks and taking the appropriate steps, parents can help their children stay safe and healthy.


Online Obsession

The advancement in technology, the internet and the availability of devices has led us to depend upon the online world for almost all our needs. From watching videos to ordering food, the internet offers us all that we need at a few clicks away from our screens. This has provided us with the comforts of sitting at home and having the world at our fingertips but it has also come with its own set of challenges. With an over-reliance on the internet for all mundane tasks, we are in danger of becoming dependent on it and destroying our social lives as we know them.

Online obsession is the overwhelming reliance on the internet and the overconsumption of online content in order to escape from real life. People who suffer from online obsession often find themselves trapped in an endless cycle of browsing through social media, streaming services, or online shopping. They spend most of their time consumed by the digital world and this takes away from activities that can be done in the tangible world.

What exacerbates the problem is that the amount of time spent using the internet is often seen as a measure of success. The constant checking of our phones, tablets, or computers is praised as being productive. People strive to create the most perfect version of themselves online, leading to a cycle of envy, insecurity, and dissatisfaction. This behavior further leads to withdrawal from activities outside this digital world and a decrease in socialization within a normal environment.

The behavior which causes online obsession is deeply engrained in the majority of us. We all have faced the compulsion to keep checking notifications, update profiles, or browse for something to listen to or watch. This behavior is even more evident when the people around us engage in it as well. With the increased acceptance of constant internet use in society, coupled with the feeling of being left out of conversations and activities for not participating in them online, we are constantly being tempted to be drawn into an environment that we might struggle to get out from.

Online obsession can spiral out of control and lead to both physical and psychological health issues. By spending too much time in front of a computer or device, we are at risk of eyestrain, headaches, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sleep deprivation. It can also lead to the weakening of relationships as socialization is neglected, causing further isolation. Online addiction can also cause increased levels of stress due to the strain of having to constantly check for notifications, updates, or new posts.

To counter the dangers of online obsession, it is important to establish a healthy balance between our digital and physical lives. It is always advised that the maximum amount of time spent using internet or devices should not exceed three hours so that your body does not become so accustomed to using them, that it craves it. Also, it is important to remember that your online presence is not the only measure of your success. Living a life with purpose and socializing in physical spaces should be the goal. Additionally, try and do more activities offline, like playing outdoor sports, or going for walks and hikes.

In conclusion, online obsession is a very real problem but one that can be managed by understanding the consequences of the online world and taking steps to create a healthy balance between online and offline activities. It is important to remember that the internet can provide us with an abundance of high-quality resources but if we fall too deeply into its gravitational pull, it can overpower our real world.


The Disadvantages of Internet Usage for the Young Generation

In the past two decades, the use of internet has skyrocketed and become a staple of normal life; particularly amongst the young generation. We can now access the internet in nearly every aspect of our lives, which has created an unforeseen set of issues. This article will discuss the disadvantages of too much internet usage amongst the younger generation.

Firstly, we must consider the impact of internet usage on young people’s well-being. With easy access to the web, the younger generation often find themselves becoming isolated, forgoing the chance for meaningful relationships. This can be especially damaging for teenagers as this is the time in life when social skills are being formed. Additionally, studies have shown that excessive internet use can be linked to depression and anxiety among the youth.

In addition to mental health issues, internet use also carries with it certain physical issues. Constant internet use can lead to fatigue and exhaustion from hours of sitting and staring at a screen. Furthermore, its been known to cause neck and back pain, as hours of using computers lead to improper posture, putting added strain on the body. It can also cause serious vision problems if the monitor is not adjusted correctly, or if the user is not taking regular breaks to allow their eyes to rest.

The lack of physical activity due to too much time spent on the internet can also have negative implications for the health of young people. Research has found that those who spend too much time on the internet are more likely to lead sedentary lifestyles and even become obese. This can have serious consequences in the long-term, as obesity has been linked to a range of medical conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes.

It also important to consider how internet usage can impact the education of young people. Studies have found that excessive use of the internet can lead to lower grades. Not only does this impact the education of young people, but it can also hinder their opportunities going forward. Additionally, the internet has made it easy for students to gain access to educational materials, such as notes and study guides. Although this gives an academic advantage to those with access to it, those without access are sometimes left behind, perpetuating the cycle of educational inequality.

Another disadvantage of internet usage for young people comes in the form of cyber bullying. As communication and interaction have moved online, so too have the opportunities for individuals to harass and intimidate others by means of technology. This can be especially damaging for the young generation, as those with an already fragile sense of self and social skills end up being particularly vulnerable to attacks from peers.

Lastly, the internet is also a vast source of in-appropriate material, with some websites filled with information that is not suitable for young viewers. Pornography, violence, and explicit language and content are all readily available online and children are often exposed to it at a young age. This can have long-term consequences and impacts their morals, attitudes, and beliefs.

In summary, it is important to be mindful of the disadvantages of internet usage for the young generation. Excessive use of the internet can lead to a range of issues such as depression, anxiety, physical health issues, educational issues, cyber-bullying, and inappropriate material. As parents, teachers, and influencers of the young generation, it is our responsibility to ensure that the younger generation is using the internet responsibly and safely.



The advent of the internet has been a stroke of luck to the human race in many ways which cannot be counted. It has saved us a whole lot of time which when spent manually, would take lots of hours, months or even years to complete. The internet has improved our productivity as we can carry out more tasks promptly.

However, the excessive use of the internet by some people, have proved to be a great cause for concern. These set of individuals dedicate ample time to browsing on the internet, and just a little amount of time to other areas of life.

When this addiction is on the increase, the attention paid to essential aspects of life such as health, education, relationships amongst others, is on the decline. This happens because browsing has become an utmost priority, and the person’s participation in reality is greatly reduced.


1. Difficulty in abstaining from browsing for a day or more: Once you discover that you cannot do without browsing for just a day, then you could be addicted already. A non-addicted user of the internet can do without browsing for more than a day.

2. Losing track of time while browsing: If you are not always conscious of time when browsing and you get to realize that lots of hours is like a few minutes, then you might just be addicted.

3. Deriving happiness only when online: If you are someone who looks depressed and despondent in reality, but always happy and content when online, then you could be a step closer to being addicted to browsing the internet.

4. Skipping meals: This is a strong sign of addiction among internet users. So, if you regularly skip your meals, or at the very least, you eat your food in front of your computer, then you are addicted already.

5. Usage of the internet late into the night: If this happens quite frequently, and you always wake up early the next morning, it is a sign of addiction. Also, if you have tried to stop this times without number with little or no success, you are addicted to browsing the internet.

6. Less interaction with people in reality: While browsing the internet, if all your time is spent chatting and keeping track of the lifestyle of people online, without paying close attention to the people around you, then you are an addicted user.



Internet addiction is a condition whereby a person feels there is an utmost need to spend much time on the internet. In most cases, this amount of time could be utilized into carrying out other productive acts. However, someone who is addicted to the internet does not give much cognizance to that reality. In the long run, other aspects of the person’s life begins to suffer. An evident sign to spot an addicted internet user is, the level of inner joy and attention which the person exhibits and gives, whenever such person is on the internet. All attention is devoted to it, and such person would not like to be disturbed in any way.

Being addicted to the internet can be likened to someone who is hooked on hard drugs. They both have the same basis of operation. Someone who is addicted to hard drugs can hardly do without it. If it is absent, it is more like a death sentence for such person. The drugs would need to be taken as soon as possible in order to prevent the person from taken further detrimental actions.

An internet addicted user would find it hard to stay away from the internet. In most cases, such person has found for himself a home, a family and a couple of friends. He has people with whom he interacts with. In reality, it would be hard for such person to relate with people. The communication gap between him and the outside world is further broadened, and this is not good enough.

The concept of internet addiction requires a continuous increase in the amount of time spent on the internet, this increase is directly equivalent to the level of satisfaction derived. If the addicted user is unable to go online, some symptoms such as nervousness, sulkiness and obsessive fantasizing, are bound to occur.

If negative feelings like self-reproach, nervousness or depression are experienced in reality, the only available source of solace for the addicted user, is the internet. Surely, the addicted user would maximize the time spent on the internet in order to get over any of the aforementioned negative feelings.

There are major categories of internet addiction and they are four in number:

1. Relationships

2. Games

3. Information

4. Sex

So, the internet addicted user might belong to three categories at once, or strictly one category. It varies in various individuals.



Addiction to the internet refers to a condition whereby people spend more time than expected on the internet. This excessive amount of time spent on the internet is usually used in carrying out non-beneficial activities. What even makes it more critical is, internet addicted individuals are aware of the fact that much time is being wasted, they often overlook it.

People who are addicted to the internet often struggle with developing relationships and better communications with people in reality. It is a herculean task for an internet-addicted user to completely abstain from the usage of the internet. This can be likened to prompting someone who is addicted to drugs to stop abruptly.

The mainstream idea of internet addiction cure, is to completely disable the internet connectivity and lock up the computer in an unknown place. This would hardly work because, productive activities could arise which would need the internet usage. You would then have to utilize the computer and the internet for whatever task you have to undertake.


Internet addicted users must realize that the major step in recovering from addiction, is to accept the addiction and have the littlest of motivation to be assisted in the journey to recovery.

1. Doing the exact opposite: The first step to recovering from internet addiction, is to readjust your routine. You could start by integrating other activities which would be carried out in reality, into the time and schedule which would have been used online.

2. Self-restraint: If there is a specific activity which keeps you online for a long period of time, you can begin to make conscious efforts to reduce the amount of time spent on it. For example, if seven (7) hours is spent normally on the internet, you could start by reducing it to four (4) or five (5) hours.

3. Rehabilitation: For a professional addiction rehabilitation treatment, you would have to seek the services of a professional therapist or a guidance counsellor to put you through and properly follow you up.

4. Develop relationships in reality: For internet addicted users, this part of their lives has suffered a lot. It is a rare sight for you to see an addicted internet user who has a strong relationship and communication with family and friends in reality. Internet addicted users always prefer to keep to themselves and focus more on the people online.




There are two major reasons for spending much time on the internet. The first could be, a search for an important information which could take hours to find, the second could be spending much time on the internet for the purpose of escaping from anxiety, depression, loneliness and the likes. The first reason can be overlooked, as it would definitely not occur frequently. For the second reason, it would most likely occur frequently.

Focusing more on the second reason, spending too much time on the internet is hazardous and there are a lot of demerits involved. A research study showed that kids who are below 18 years spend an average of eleven (11) hours a week. This amount of time is on the increase as they advance in age. This amount of time being spent, results in less productivity in almost all aspects of life.

Parents and guardians have a pivotal role to play in regulating the amount of time their children spend on the internet. They should be able to properly define and point out to their children the differences between normal internet usage and the compulsive usage. If your kids have a project to work on, and it requires the internet usage, they should be given a controlled access to use it, even though much time is going to be spent on it.

It is essential for parents and guardians to note that they can observe if their children are exhibiting signs of compulsive usage of the internet. A number of children and teenagers prefer to spend more time on the internet, rather than people in reality.

Some of the signs of the compulsive usage of the internet includes:

1. General internet obsession: Children and teenagers who are always preoccupied with the internet, or have specific sites or points on the internet without any productive work, are obviously using too much internet time.

2. Self-justification of the time spent online: A child or teenager who frequently defends himself about the amount of time spent online without any cogent reason, should be cautioned.

3. Heightened ecstasy when involved in online activities: If a child or teenager is hyper-active when surfing the web or going through social media platforms, it shows that such child would most likely spend more time on the internet because he or she does not want the fun to decline.

Parents and guardians need to be on the lookout for various signs which their wards might exhibit as regards the internet. Excessive time spent on the internet with little or no productivity as the results is detrimental to children and teenagers in the long run.